Friday, July 15, 2016

Done and Done

The big things are finally done. In the last 24 hrs, my residence permit card has arrived and I received and accepted my housing offer and paid my deposit. Two more weeks of work and I am off to Turku. I will put my car up for sale starting tomorrow. Somehow it doesn't feel real, but I've also settled into it all. Even though, I don't exactly know what "it" is. I mean, I know what my program encompasses and where I want to go with it. I know the program is very rigorous. I think more than anything, I still can't believe I'm doing this. I can't believe it took me this long. So I actually can believe I'm doing this, I just get mad that I didn't have more confidence in myself. Then I'm mad that I'm dwelling on the past. Yes, that's a lot, I know. I really look forward to the heavy course load to redirect all of this brain matter.

Me and dad have been talking. It's very halted and hard to do. I bring in the mail and ask him how his day was. It's time to put my car up for sale and I ask him how to proceed. He always responds. I can read his body language. He's still not handling my leaving very well. But maybe like me, he doesn't want me to leave with us on such bad terms. I don't know how that will go. It's a start and that's all I want really.

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